Embracing 55 Years of Success: A Spectacular Anniversary Celebration and Makerspace Inauguration

55周年校慶啟動禮暨HoLap Makerspace開幕典禮

On June 28th, the 55th Anniversary Ceremony was successfully conducted, marking a significant milestone for our school. We were honoured to have Mr. Wong Man Kit, S.C., a distinguished alumnus, as the guest of honour. Joining us in this momentous occasion were Mr. Lai Chak Sum, the Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen, and other esteemed guests, who gathered to commemorate our school’s 55th birthday. The Kick-off Ceremony of 55th Anniversary cum Opening Ceremony of HoLap Makerspace set the stage for a series of captivating events that followed. The day was filled with a vibrant atmosphere, and the guests thoroughly enjoyed remarkable performances of Chinese Orchestra, modern dance, and English public speaking. We invite you to anticipate the array of fabulous events that lie ahead in the near future. Stay connected with us to remain updated on the latest happenings.

本校於6月28日舉辦了55周年校慶典禮,標誌著學校的重要里程碑。我們很榮幸邀請到傑出校友黃敏杰資深大律師擔任主禮嘉賓。嗇色園主席黎澤森先生與一眾嘉賓賢達,亦一同參與了這個重要時刻,見證學校55周年的生辰。隨著55周年校慶啟動禮暨HoLap Makerspace開幕典禮的順利舉行,為之後一系列的精彩活動揭開序幕。當天氣氛熱烈,嘉賓們欣賞同學們的精彩演出,包括中樂團、現代舞蹈和英語演講等。我們將會陸續舉辦一系列的校慶慶祝活動,請留意我們的最新消息。